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I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.
Psalms: 32-8

Dear friends in Christ,

This has been another encouraging month for OSM in Haiti. We praise
God always for allowing the school to operate uninterrupted by gangs or violence. Only because of God’s protection has this been a possibility for the school children, teachers, and other staff of OSM. The children will be off for 2 weeks, then they will start back with their summer school and feeding program. We also praise God for His direction and provision for Pastor Santos and the ministry which is happening at the Ranch of Faith. Our merciful Father has poured down blessings over the many opportunities to share the love of Jesus in Haiti and Mexico.

This month in Haiti, the children took final tests and finished the school year. The end of June they will have a kindergarten graduation and a big party. We are looking forward to sharing these pictures in next month’s newsletter. As usual, this summer the children will continue to come to the school for Bible classes, games and a meal each day. We believe it is important that the children are able to get a meal each day even through the summer months. Thank you for your support which allows this to happen.

Just like many of you, we have grown to love and care deeply for the
155 children who attend the school. It is always fun to learn more about them, about their families and what they hope to do with their lives. Once again, we have had the opportunity to talk with some of them and we would like to share what they say. You may notice as you read more about their lives, many of the parents grow gardens. They make use of any available land they can find, and this gives them food for their families and some left to sell. Jobs, especially in rural areas, are few and far between, so this is a great way for the parents to help provide for their families. We will begin with some 5th graders and then some 4th graders.

1. Woosnayder Vileus is in the 5th grade. He has been at this school for 4 years and is 13 years old. He has 1 brother who attends the school also and a 15 year old sister who is not in our school. His parents are Catholic and they have a garden and sell their vegetables at a market. Woosnayder is
a Christian and is close to his teacher, Met Abre. His favorite subjects are Creole and math. He lives within a 10 minute walk to school.

2. Wendy Geffard is another 5th grader. He is 12 years old and has been at this school for 3 years. Wendy lives with his parents who are married and grow a garden to sell vegetables. He had a brother who died and has 2 sisters. His brother died with a fever at 2 years old in 2020. Both of Wendy’s sisters attend the school. He and his Mom are Christians, but sadly, his dad quit attending the church when his younger brother died. His favorite subjects are Creole, math and Bible study, which he does with his teacher met Ebre.

3. Claeciline Minord is in the 4th grade and is 12 years old. She lives with her Mom who does not have a job. Claeciline does not know her Dad. She has 3 sisters and 1 brother ,1 of her sisters attends the school also. This is her first year at our school. She and her Mom are Christians. She walks 10 minutes to the school. Claeciline loves PE and enjoys watching soccer games.

4. Falinda Duclervil is also in the 4th grade and is 12 years old. She has no siblings in our school. Her parents are in the Dominican Republic and she lives with her uncle and her Grand mother, who has no job. She has been at the school for 3 years. She is a Christian and attends the church, Deacon Samuel prayed with her to receive Christ. Her favorite subject is French. Her teacher is Met Evinson and she says he is a good teacher.

5. Lionel Lorisias is another 4th grade student who is 13 years old and has been at the school for 4 years. He likes French and math and wants to be an attorney when he grows up. Lionel also enjoys writing stories. His Mom died and his Dad stays in Mirebalais, he never sees him. He lives with his Grandmother, who is 64 years old and has no job. His uncle gives them food. Lionel is a Christian, his pastor (who is not at this church) led him to Christ.

6. Djophenson Clerneus has been attending the school for 3 years, he is 11 years old and also in the 4th grade. He lives with his Mom and Dad, who are not married. He has 2 brothers, 1 attends our school in kindergarten. His Dad is a mason and his Mom sells in the market. He is a Christian, but doesn’t attend this church. His pastor prayed with him to receive Christ as his Savior. Djophenson’s favorite subject is Creole.

7. Michou Clerneus has also been attending the school for 3 years. She is 12 years old and in the 4th grade. She lives with her parents who are married, they grow vegetables. She and her Mom are Christians. Michou’s parents have 9 children. She has a stepsister named Valencia, who also attends our school. Valencia and Michou have the same Dad, but different Moms, their homes are close to each other. Her favorite subjects are math and Creole. She would like to become a nurse some day.

8. Wanclif Charlestin is a 13 year old 4th grader who has been attending the school for 3 years. He has 5 sisters and 1 brother, none of them attend this school, but they are all in other schools. He and his parents
are all Christians. His parents are married and grow a garden. Wanclif is a goalie on the soccer team and his favorite subjects are Creole, French and math.

9. Steevenson Origene has been attending the school for 4 years! He is 12 years old and another one of our 4th graders. He has 1 brother who attended the school for awhile before he quit. Steevenson likes school and has very high grades. His favorite subject is math and he would like to be an attorney. He lives with his parents who grow a garden. He and his family are all Christians. Steevenson enjoys playing on the soccer team.

We are grateful for the provision through each of you for Bible School materials for Haiti and Mexico! Mexico Bible School will begin mid-July. Because of the challenges to travel in Haiti we are not sure when the materials we sent will arrive to the school. So far it remains difficult because of so many problems around the airport in Port-au-Prince. Please pray with us that we can get this transportation issue resolved there soon.

As this school year comes to an end we would ask for prayer for the many administrative decisions we must work through for the coming school year. Overseeing a school anywhere is difficult with so many decisions and ideas of how to do things. As you can imagine, directing a school which we cannot currently visit and do not speak the same language as the children and teachers is even more challenging. Even though they are no longer in Haiti, Laissa and her Dad Lussade, are a tremendous asset
with communication for us. Pray that the Lord will show us His way that we can better continue moving forward in leading people to Christ.

Thank you for your faithful love, prayers, encouragement and support to make all of this happen. With Jesus, all things are possible, and we look to Him to open doors and show us His direction. May He bless and keep each of you and your families in His deep and hard to comprehend care and love.

Serving our Savior with you,

Ken and Debbi

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