Only a Servant
Serving in Mexico and Haiti
Matthew 20:28
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Our Most Recent Newsletter
January 2025
January2025Make a DonationJoin the Movement "Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. And do not neglect doing good and sharing; for with such sacrifices...
In loving memory of our
precious daughter, Shelby

How To Help
Financial Giving
Only A Servant Ministries, Inc. (OSM) operates solely on the financial donations and prayer support of dedicated individuals throughout the world. All donations are tax exempt.
We believe that first of all, your gifts belong to the Lord, and secondly, as stewards of His money entrusted to us, we want it to be used to His glory. For these reasons and more, OSM is account-able to a board of nine Christian members.
Monetary assets are essential to ministry:
- Cash gifts
- Stocks, Bonds, CD’s
- Tangible assets in wills
- Whole Life Insurance
- Land
- Other types of salable valuables
- In-Kind items
Financial Needs:
Without a steady flow of financial gifts to our ministry, we would essentially not have a ministry. The Law of Economics demands that we “pay as we go”. Almost everything we do, wherever go, whatever we need demands money as the means of compen-sation. That principle has been a constant from the beginning of our history as a people.
There is no help that you can give to Only A Servant Ministries that is greater than prayer. We ask for your prayers for all the areas of work that our ministry is involved in.
Specifically pray for:
Wisdom for our Family, Board Members, Partners, and Friends of our Ministry to make God-honoring and God-pleasing decisions Financial needs of Only a Servant Ministries. Wisdom for the board of directors as they seek God’s direction.
Prayer needs change daily. If you would like to be updated on the current prayer requests of Only A Servant Ministries, please check Current News, or contact us.
In Matthew 9:38 God gave Only A Servant Ministries a commission. “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.”
The bottom line for Only A Servant Ministries is that souls are saved. Souls cannot be saved unless they hear the word of God. (see Romans 10:14) Therefore the greatest and most pressing need for Only A Servant Ministries is that the Lord of the harvest would “force out and thrust laborers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:38b Amplified)
Statement of Faith
We Believe:
- In the Eternal God, Creator and Sustainer of all things.
- That He is the Triune God; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
- He verbally inspired His written Work, and that His inerrant message to mankind, revealing Himself and His plan of salvation to all men, and that His Word is the final authority and rule for all of life.
- In the fall of man through personal choice to sin by disobeying his Maker, which fall leaves all men with a corrupt nature at birth.
- In the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man and that He walked a perfect life on earth as an example to all men.
- That Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross for our sins, suffered and died, raising from dead on the third day and was seen by hundreds of people. He now sits at the Right Hand of the Father as the elects advocate.
- That Jesus Christ is the only provision for man’s salvation, that God will accept man on no other basis than complete surrender to the Lordship of Christ and faith in His atoning blood.
- In the personality of the Holy Spirit, who is the seal and witness of salvation, taking up residence within the believer as his helper.
- That God expects His people to be free from sin, separate from the world including its fads and fashions.
- That Jesus Christ is preparing a home in Heaven for the righteous and in God’s time shall return to receive them unto Himself for eternity.
- That the Shepherd (Jesus Christ) will personally return and judge the resurrected dead, the just and unjust, and all will be judged according to His Word, according to Matthew 25:31-46.
- That the wicked shall be cast into the lake of fire to be tormented forever and that the righteous shall be in eternal bliss with God forever.
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If you have any questions about our ministry, special projects, or to sign up for our newsletter, feel free to contact us for additional information.
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