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“The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.”
Matthew 20:28

We praise God from Whom all blessings flow. It is hard to imagine ALL that He has done for us, His children. We have so much to praise and worship Him for!

The Lord has finally made a way for Hudson and his team to return to the school, which is going well. The builders have begun working again! At the writing of this newsletter, they are just beginning a smaller 2 room school building, in the same style as the larger building. They will also build a small Caretaker’s House. Because of gang violence the team had not been able to get back to the school since they went home in November. The gangs recently went into a very poor neighborhood in PAP and killed many people. The gang leader was mad because he blamed some of the voodoo leaders in the neighborhood for the death of his child. Our hearts break for the Haitian people; only Jesus can change such hardened hearts! Please continue to pray for peace and God’s intervention in Haiti!

We are hopeful that many of you will be in prayer to help with some of the school building projects as shown in our Holiday Brochure. Many of you already support OSM and the school monthly and some have sent one-time gifts for this project. We are very grateful for those of you who pray and support OSM! We do not want to put pressure on anyone to give, please pray for OSM, the building project and prayerfully consider helping financially if that is where God leads you. The sweet students have a special place in God’s heart and we are excited to see them thriving in a healthy school environment!

The new church which we hope to begin building in January still needs a wise and Godly man to Pastor the flock. Please pray with us for God to bring a strong and dedicated man to Shepherd this body of Believers.
Pastor Santos and his wife Fini continue to ask for prayer for their health. They stay so busy throughout each day ministering to people in very difficult situations. The stress level is high, yet they do look to God to supply their many needs. Thank you.

The Lord has been good and faithful. He has protected our many teachers and staff as they travel in Haiti. Thank you to so many of you who have partnered with us to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to these precious children in Haiti and Mexico. May His love pierce the darkness of this world. May we not hide His light of truth and mercy, but hold it high for many others to see and know Him. Hallelujah, glory to Jesus!

Serving our Savior with you,
Ken and Debbi

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